Want to Create a Brand for Your Business? Our Guide Will Help

Illustration by Sonia Liu via Dribbble

Your brands are the most invaluable assets that you own. Your brands have created a chord with the target market and allow you to have a unique selling proposition vis-à-vis your competitors. According to a survey by Sprout Social, almost 57% of customers will buy from a brand with which they can connect.

Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room

Jeff Bezos Amazon co-founder


However, to ensure that people speak positively about your brand, you need to be consistent in your communication, and all your customers should have similar experiences in dealing with your team. A strong branding communication establishes credibility, and credible brands that what customers prefer. Now, how can you create a brand for your business? We will discuss a few tips to get started.

Steps for A Successful Brand Building Process

Your brand is unique

It would help if you started by creating a story about your brand. Create a perception of the brand in the minds of the target market. While creating the story, you need to look closely at your competition and position your portfolio accordingly. You must understand what you do that is different from the industry. To understand this, you must try to keep the vision of the company in sync with the product.

Customer security is prime

As we have surged ahead with technology, the dark web has also grown in tandem. Very often, we have about data breaches even with global companies. It becomes imminent to protect the sensitive information of your customers. Any data breach could lead to severe penalties and loss of reputation. An SSL certificate can help you in this case. You can procure SSL certificate as per your requirement like a cheap SSL certificate for a single domain SSL security is an ideal option. Moreover, HTTPS helps to encrypt the communication between the visitor’s browser and your web server.

Connect with your target market

The world’s best brands spend a fortune to connect with their target market. Brands are also quick to have a significant presence on social media. However, do note that your communication across all channels, including social media, should be consistent. As per study, brand presentation with constant communication across different platforms will contribute 23% rise in revenue. With the increased number of messages from various brands, you need to ensure that your messages can break the clutter. Do ensure the messages are dynamic as well.

Differentiate your portfolio

Make sure you offer a unique selling proposition that your competitors don’t provide. It could be a quick turnaround of your services or that additional feature that none of your competitors can think of. It requires significant investments in research. You could also have enthusiastic customer support. According to BrandZ Study, 64% of people write about a brand to share their experiences. The positive vibes of current clients lead to your next set of prospects.

What people write about your brand?

Your customers connect with your logo

Another way to segregate your brand from the competition is to create a logo that will enhance brand recall in the minds of your target market. While most brands prefer to use blue in their logo, your logo colors should be in sync with the ideals of your business. Your logo is what remains in the minds of your target market. Remember to use the logo colors in all your communication messages and promotional materials.

Strategise your branding communication

Your branding communication must be well thought through. Do strategize about these messages and incorporate them into the larger branding plan. The communication will include the personality that your brand will bear over time. While creating the strategy, do remember the “why” – Why your brand exists.

Sending messages in bursts do not help

It would help if you were consistent with your messages. Have the same tone across all your channels, including your website or your LinkedIn page. Else your visitors may get confused about your branding. Also, you must not take long breaks from updating your media channels. It is best suggested to publish content every few days. Have the policy to publish content consistently on pre-selected days of the week. Do use reports to find the time of the day when there are more views of your messages.

Stick to your promises

You must have heard about the 30 minutes deliver promise from the pizza delivery companies. Similarly, you must also need to make loud promises to your customers and keep them. There have been instances when brands have highlighted their promises but not delivered on them. It reduces brand equity in the eyes of the customer. The marketing, operations, and delivery teams must be in sync when you make the tall promises.

Identify the “Why” for your business

To break the clutter, companies need to take a unique stand. It depends on how much you have understood the reason for your existence. It is where the brand is separated from the competition. Again, it is here that the company’s vision must be understood as well.

Nurture relationships

The perception of your brand in the minds of the target market is not in your hands. What you do is to ensure the customers have a favorable view of your brand. The customers can then write testimonials and become your brand ambassadors. Research shows that 92% of customers will pay heed to recommendations from their acquaintances. Also, word of mouth brings in five times more sales.

Your brand must add value

What is the value that your brand brings? It is a unique proposition that is lapped up by your customers. Ask yourself the question what is it that sets you apart from the competition. Brainstorm about those benefits that set you apart and break the clutter.

Building a Brand on Social Platform

The advent of social media has opened up newer channels for building your brand. Each of the social platforms has a unique way to connect with their users. So, you need to first decide on the channels where you want to market your brand. Facebook works best for B2C marketing, and you can post content that creates an impact quickly with the intent of garnering likes and shares. You can also entice users to leave remarks and comments about their experiences with your products and subsequently follow your Facebook page.

Instagram is another platform that you can utilize to build your brand. You need to create a sleek corporate profile and be consistent with your branding and stick to the corporate colours. You cannot publish your content from other social channels here without making subtle changes. Have a consistent theme for a particular set of pictures that you post.

LinkedIn and Twitter work best for B2B products. LinkedIn allows you to share news articles and interact with like-minded people in groups. It throws up a world of opportunity where you can initiate discussions in your closed group and take leadership in them. Very soon, you will be taken to be a thought leader that improves your brand identity.

Twitter is an excellent platform for B2C products too. Like Facebook, you can publish content, making it compelling enough that users write comments and re-tweets it to their acquaintances. There are restrictions on the word count and is quite fast-paced also.

You can also use short videos to tell the story about your brand. Around 87% of video marketers have said that videos have increased traffic to their website. According to Animoto, approximately 91% of marketers are satisfied with the ROI of video marketing on social media. It was time that you created a storyboard and created some videos. Publish your videos on sites like YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo.

Write a slogan

Having a catchy logo along with a slogan helps in increasing mindshare for your brand. Your target market is bombarded with hundreds of branding messages. Your slogan can separate your brand from your competition. A slogan imbibes a sense of confidence in your brand. It will also add on to the consistency that your brand brings to the table. What becomes challenging is that you need to make the slogan into reality by delivering the value that the customer is expecting.

Slogans help in positioning the brand by explicitly mentioning the unique value that the brand brings to its customers. It sets the tone based on which your brand will be placed in the market. A slogan can aid your brand in making a strong claim, adapting to your customer’s tastes, or describing your brand. It is so important when people cannot see your logo, like in a radio jingle. No wonder the most celebrated brands come up with the perfect slogans to allow their customers to tag with them.

The bottom point

Building a brand starts by understanding the reason for the existence of the brand. Then, you can create a brand strategy. However, protecting client data using a Comodo SSL certificate is also crucial for your business. In the article, we have discussed a few of the steps to create a successful brand.

About the Author!

Mariya Adems is a Digital Strategist, having 5+ years of experience in the field of Internet Marketing. She is a social media geek, a complete foodie and enjoys trying varied cuisines. A perfect day for her consists of reading her favorite author with a hot cuppa coffee. She is a associated with Best Above Ground Pool.

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