Ways To Leverage Social Media To Increase Traffic And Sales

Illustration by upklyak via www.freepik.com

In 2020, in spite of the world pandemic, businesses were crushed and they were supposed to find another way to sell the products. Traditional offline stores are not convenient enough in those conditions. So, brands have transferred the major part of their marketing on social platforms. So, this course turned out to be a great alternative, and even better.

The process of expanding the business online was started long before 2020, for sure. Through this time, new sorts of businesses have appeared, which sell things like 500 YouTube views (the example you can see on Socialsgrow.com). However, this shocking year has shown that this is the right course. And in this article we will talk about the proven methods to increase sales and traffic through social media.

Ways To Increase Traffic and Sales Through Social Media

Let’s see how you can use social media to generate more traffic and sales for your business:

#1. Share Various Kinds Of Content

eCommerce is different from traditional offline sales because the ways of reaching the customer are opposite. In traditional form, the seller has to be more direct and persuasive. Online, one must be accurate and contextual in order to deliver the right message to potential customers.

On any social platform from Instagram to YouTube, you will have to expand your range of topics from just sales pitch. Otherwise, your profile won’t be interesting to users, and they will ignore it. Sometimes online catalogs can pull it off, but this method is useful primarily for dropshippers, who don’t really care about the brand.

But if you want to push your eCommerce brand, you will have to be attractive and interesting to your audience. On social platforms you cannot avoid that. Besides, there is so much that you can show:

  • Brand values and ethical standards.
  • The production process as a proof of quality and care.
  • The history of your company.
  • Customer reviews and support cases.
  • Sneak peeks in new products coming soon.

And many more. As you can see, your business account is not just a promo catalog. It is your “humanly side”, which attracts clients to your profile. Thus, you should put some effort into producing high-quality content for your social accounts.

#2. Interact With Your Audience

In other words, lean for a better engagement rate. The higher this will be, the better would be the traffic and sales. Being active online is a must if you want to boost your results. You can do that not only by posting compelling content but with your communication skills as well. And no, replying to all the comments and direct messages that you get is not enough. Having a business account means being in a constant dialogue with your potential and actual clients. And you should initiate that dialogue very often.

Luckily, social platforms offer a vast list of options that will help you to complete this task. You can make polls, questionnaires, or launch live discussions with your followers. And you can offer contests, lotteries, or giveaways to increase interest in your brand. The universal tip for this is: be sincere with your crowd. Any kind of lies and dishonesty are easily detected by your viewers, and these would not be forgotten.

#3. Go Visual

Whatever platform you are occupying, this is a common fact – visual content rules. That’s why YouTube is the biggest visual social network that helps to collect views on any type of content. If you want to drive traffic to your website, just put it where the link will be catching the eye.

Images are telling a story to your viewers. So, stylish photos and videos, for example, on IG will put your product into the context. And your goal is to create the right atmosphere in your visual content so that people would want to remember and repeat it. To sell the product, you must trigger the consumerism inside the soul of your potential buyer. The photos have to be not just appealing. They must portray a desirable lifestyle, where your product is a vital detail for recreating that lifestyle. Your sales tactic has to be subtle and make your item memorable, even when it is not a centerpiece of the composition.

For example, how Victoria’s Secret lingerie and accessories are sold – their promo campaigns are not just esthetically attractive. The products are demonstrated with a certain character and story, which makes the target audience go bananas for new trendy items, as they picture themselves on the same stage.

#4. Post Regularly

Well, this is it. Having a consistent schedule and post often – is a secret for keeping up the recognition of your brand. The more it will appear in the feeds of your potential customers, the better it will be affecting your sales. And this statement works practically for all social networks – Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube, you name it!

After all, the schedule is easy to maintain, thanks to various automation tools. Thus, your primary concern is getting a flow of fresh content ideas.

#5. Optimization Tips

Of course, if you want to reach success online, you will have to optimize your posts according to that goal.

  • Use high-conversion keywords. With that, your visibility will get a good boost.
  • Add relevant hashtags to your posts. Try to find the most accurate tags for your industry. General hashtags are not helping in the promotion.
  • Make your profile branded. This adds a professional look to your account.
  • Use all features that are offered on the platform.
  • Constantly check what your competitors are doing and analyze their performance.

#6. Collaborate

Nowadays influencer marketing is one of the key strategies that are used online. This is a perfect way to increase not only your sales but your reputation as well. People trust Influencers’ opinions online, which is why they become perfect sales agents and brand ambassadors. What you have to do is to find the right blogger to promote your product. Their target audience has to be the same, and they must have a loyal, active followers community.


As we can see, social media can increase your sales and traffic multiple times, and it will be a pleasant price as well. But pushing your brand on social media requires good planning skills and much time to spend.

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