How to Create a Stylish Blue VCard Layout in Photoshop


In this Photoshop tutorial we’re going to create a cool blue-looking VCard layout. As we go through with 10 steps, and we also included a PSD file as a resource file. I hope you’ll like this tutorial

What is a VCard?

Let’s see what was said by Jacob Gube :

A vCard is an electronic business card that uses a standard format. Some individuals have taken to creating simple, typically one-page, sites that center around their vCard. These sites contain minimal content, usually just basic information about the individual (i.e. job title) and contact information (i.e. mailing addresses and links to social media profiles).

Final Image Preview

Let’s have a look what we’ll be creating

Tutorial Details

  • Program : Adobe Photoshop CS2
  • Difficulty : Easy
  • Estimated Completion Time : 60-120 minutes
  • Fonts Used : Arial
  • Icons Used : You can found in download folder

Step 1

Create a new file, and name it “vcard”. Give the width : 922px and height : 780px
Create vcard

Now, let’s we make a layout with a width 500px, the first step is create a guides, open View > New Guide, in the box that pops open select vertical and enter 211px.
Create vcard

Then go to View > New Guide, in the box that pops open select vertical and enter 711px.
Create vcard

Step 2

Apply the gradient to your “background” layer. When applying the gradient start from the top-middle of the canvas and drag half way down, this should give us a nice sized effect. If you hold down the Shift key while dragging the gradient down it will lock the gradient line vertically.

Create vcard

Create vcard

Step 3

Next is to make the object box, using the rounded rectangle tool, Width: 500px, Height: 500px, Radius: 10px, dan Color: white (#ffffff)
Create a vcard

Now add these layer styles, change the Fill of Opacity to 20%, add Drop Shadow, Inner Shadow,and Gradient Overlay
Create a vcard

Create a vcard

Then edit Gradient on Gradient Overlay
Create a vcard

Step 4

The next step, duplicate the rectangle layer using [ ctrl ]+[ j ] or choose menu layer > Duplicate Layer, then send backward layer using [ ctrl ]+[ [ ].

Next, sliding down the object.
Create a vcard

Change the fill of Opacity to 20%, and edit the layer style.
Create a vcard

Create a vcard

Step 5

Again, duplicate the rectangle layer using [ ctrl ]+[ j ] or choose menu layer > Duplicate Layer, then send backward layer using [ ctrl ]+[ [ ].
Then change Fill Opacity to 0%, and edit layer style.
Create a vcard

Step 6

Now we’ll make the header, the first step is add your name at this header
Create a vcard

Change the Fill of opacity to 50%, and edit the layer style.
Create a vcard

Create a vcard

Then, please add a little description about us.
Create a vcard

Creat two lines below the title (your name) with a height 1px, for the first line give the color: #95b6c3 dan the second line color: #dcf2fa.
Create a vcard

Create a vcard

Then we add the logo and label to the righ side.
Create a vcard

Step 7

Now we add some heading text “About Me”.
Create a vcard

Then change the Fill of Opacity to 70%, and edit the layer style
Create a vcard

Next please add some text below the heading “About Me”
Create a vcard

And create a dividing lines, like that we created on step 6
Create a vcard

Step 8

Create some heading text again, below the lines with same style as on step 7
Create a vcard

Give some text below the heading “Links”, change the Fill of Opacity to 80%
Create a vcard

Give the dividing lines
Create a vcard

And add the icon like teh picture below
Create a vcard

Step 9

Again let’s create some heading “Skills” text with same style as on step 7
Create a vcard

Then add some text, change the Fill of Opacity to 80%
Create a vcard

Give the dividing lines
Create a vcard

And add the icon like the picture below
Create a vcard

Step 10

Finally, for the last step is create a footer. We’ll add some text and change the Fill of Opacity to 80%
Create a vcard


There we have it! Hopefully you should have something like this:

Download the PSD file with the icon

Please download the zip file here (0.8Mb) : Stylish VCard (1597 downloads )

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and learned something new. Please feel free to leave a comment below.

[Update 10 August 2010: We just release a freebie stylish vCard template with 3 beautiful color variations and adding 2 pages, portfolio page and contact page]

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  1. Tutorial: Creating a Stylish Blue VCard Layout in Photoshop…

    In this Photoshop tutorial were going to create a cool blue-looking VCard layout. As we go through with 10 steps, and we also included a PSD file as a resource file. I hope youll like this tutorial…

  2. Cinta Desain says


  3. Admin1 says

    @Cinta Desain: Nice comment, thanks 🙂

  4. NetKit says

    I love the outcome of this tutorial. Very nice and clean. Good job!

  5. Nigel Morris says

    Interesting. Personally I’ve not come across any vcard tuts before. Good work.

  6. Admin2 says

    @NetKit: Yes, I never seen too. Thanks

  7. Admin2 says

    @Nigel Morris: Thanks, I try to made a simple and easy tutorial ^_^)>

  8. […] 10 steps, and we also included a PSD file as a resource file. I hope you’ll like this tutorialSource Link $(document).ready(function() { $('#social_nav_vertical li a').hover(function() { […]

  9. […] Stylish vCard Theme is a freebie vCard template in PSD, perfect perfect for any creatives, designers, developers, or even photographers. The theme package with 3 beautiful color variations Blue, Green and Pink. This freebie is based our previous tutorial How to create stylish blue vCard layout in Photoshop. […]

  10. […] 25. How to Create a Stylish Blue VCard Layout in Photoshop […]

  11. […] 21. How to Create a Stylish Blue VCard Layout in Photoshop […]

  12. Atlanta Web Design Company says

    Very clean and stylo design..Thanks for sharing.

  13. […] Stylish vCard: Free PSD vCard Template Posted by Ryan.M on December 31, 2010 0 Stylish vCard Theme is a freebie vCard template in PSD, perfect perfect for any creatives, designers, developers, or even photographers. The theme package with 3 beautiful color variations Blue, Green and Pink. This freebie is based our previous tutorial How to create stylish blue vCard layout in Photoshop. […]

  14. Brett Widmann says

    This is a great tutorial! I did mine in green :p

  15. This is just what I was looking for after having a vcard on which is no longer in business, i needed to make one on my own.. It’s wonderful.. thank you..

  16. Yahya says

    glad to know if this tutorial useful ^_^)/

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