Tips to Optimize your Facebook Fan Page for Products Promotion
When you hear about Starbucks, Coca-cola, Mc Donalds, you certainly feel that they are is international company and very famous brand on the world. Come on…who doesn’t know their brand.
Many ways they do to touch every society, and Facebook is one of their way to maintain their popularity brand. Why they use Facebook? Because Facebook is one of the social media who provide the facilities that can spread their advertising and told their fans that their brand is not outdate and of course the more importantly it’s free!
One of the Facebook features to help company in branding strategy is a Facebook Fan Page. Today we’ll share a few tips how to optimize your facebook fan page to help you in promotin your product and brand business:
1. Use Large and Larger Photo Profile
Facebook photos, is one of the essential features to introduce brands, which may often be ignored. Good news in a few weeks facebook will added an aditional equipment to increase their photograpical quality. For marketer and the owner brand, this upgrade offers huge advantages.
This strategy can be seen on
– Disney
2. Use Interesting Color
The more expressive and original your page design – the more fans it will attract. Your landing page should help you to get Facebook fans. Offer something special for them in return for liking your page: it may be promos, contests, discount coupons, exclusive info, and much more. Also, you can use a call-to-action graphics in the landing page to get more “Likes” from the visitors.
3. Ask Visitors to Click the Like Button
What can you do to grab the attention of your viewer and encourage him or her to click on your “Like” button quickly? You shoul asking them.
Ask the visitors to click the like button on your fans page, and offer them for special offer to become a member on your fans page, also make them as a family, it will attract them to click the like button on your fans page, with more fans you’ll get more trust for your brand and product.
– Red bull
4. Show the Product Owner/Page Creator
Like we see in Coca-Cola fan page, they show you the picture of creator design in facebook for Coca-Cola, look out they face…the happy and friendly face, make your old and new fans become know who is the person behind the idea in Coca-Cola, make them feel more closely with Coca-Cola
5. Introduce the Products Features
This is the most important one, introducing your product on facebook, you can use models like in louis vuitone facebook, or just use an interesting picture like disney facebook, or you can share your video advertising product like Pizza Hut.
– Nokia
– NBA Shop
6. Make the Invitation to your Promo Product
Offer an offline free invitation for your promo product on fan page, make it like party or casual event that is more pamper the customer to better acquainted and try the product that is offered, one of the example is honda featuring his show in their fan page.
– Honda
What do you think about the above facebook pages? Have you tried any of these techniques with success? Or do you have another great tips? Don’t hesitate to share with us in the comment below.
– Written by Ratih –
like it…thank you….:)
Nice and interesting post. A good analysis with some inspiration and useful advice… Thanks for sharing.
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