5 Sales Marketing Lessons from The Joneses Movie


What is the first thing you would do in doing sales marketing a particular brand products that you sell? The question is simple but it is quite difficult to answer.
There are a variety of literatures that can helps us to answer the above questions. One of that is a film, not necessarily websites, newspapers, magazines or books that can teach us about how to be a good sales. Sometimes a film is almost the same as real life, many intelligent films have been created, one of which is The Joneses, a film written and directed by Derrick Borte. The Joneses is a 2009 American film, it stars Demi Moore, David Duchovny, Amber Heard, and Ben Hollingsworth. And it premiered at the 2009 Toronto International Film Festival on September 13, 2009. (Source: Wikipedia)

[iBrandStudio’s note: For further reading, previously we have written marketing related topics on Google+ Marketing Tips for Your Product Sales, 6 Ways to Promote Your Business Online without Spending Penny, How to Promote Your Brand on Budget, and In corporating brand Advertising and Promotional Marketing in Web Design.]

The Synopsis

Sales Marketing Strategy

Kate, Steve, Mick, and Jenn Jones move into a high income suburb under the pretense of being a typical family relocating due to the changing nature of Kate and Steve’s careers. In reality, Kate is the leader of a team of stealth marketers, professional salespeople who disguise product placement as a daily routine. Their clothing, accessories, furniture, and even food are carefully planned and stocked by various companies to create visibility in a desirable consumer market. The team quickly ingratiates itself into the community, slowly shifting from displaying products to recommending them. Soon, local stores and businesses are stocking products based on the Joneses’ trend-setting styles. Steve begins to find a sales tactic that works by playing on the fears of his neighbors and sympathizing with their dull, repetitive, unfulfilled careers, his sales begin to steadily increase as he starts pitching products as the solution for suburban boredom and generating product “buzz” through unwitting ropers.

Beside the story of The Joneses movie, we also can learn how to be a good sales. Here are the lessons:

Lesson #1: Introducing your product with kinship

In this movie the family Joneses introducing himself as the new neighbor prior to his neighbor with the family. The first day they spent just to introduce they familyf without offering a specific brand goods to the neighbors.

As Adrian Miller said in his article – Ten Top Sales Tips for Sales Success: “There’s No Magic Bullet. Prospeting Takes Time.”

Lesson: As a sales person who offers goods to the potential customers you can’t directly offer products to meet openly to your consumer. You must introduce yourself first, by allowing your customers to know you personally. This is because consumers are now increasingly savvy, they need a lot of consideration in choosing and deciding to buy a particular item. So with a personal approach, can help you convince potential customers the goods that you offer.

Lesson #2: Join some community

How do you find the people who need the goods you have to offer?
As has been exemplified in the film The Joneses, Steve and Kate Jones, starring David Duchovny and Demi Moore. They joins some neighboring suburban community, club members golf and salon. This is done by steve and kate when first trying to offer items they wear.

This is similar to what is said by Mr. Tony Fannin as a President of Bebranded.wordpress.com in his article – Be Where Your Customers are The Most Happiest: “Ideally, you want to market to your customers where they will be mostly content or, at least, in a good mood. Also where would they most Likely be thinking about your products or services”.

What has been done by Steve and Kate Jones is a sales marketing trick, in the selection of our community should not be arbitrary, choose a community that if only at the time of activities in the community that your customers in a good mood state and can consider the products you offer.

Lesson: Join some community is important to know and learn about what your customers want, the selection of community you want to follow also should not be arbitrary or origin choose. Options communty is very determine the success of your marketing your product.

Lesson #3: Become attractive of other people

In this movie the whole family is a trend Joneses center in their neighborhood. This was deliberately done by the family of The Joneses to attract the attention of friends and colleagues to buy the same items as they wear.

The Joneses not offer openly goods, their use and explain the benefits and advantages of the object. Like what Jim Connolly said: “The reason we call these kind of physically striking people ‘attractive’ is that they literally attract the attention and also the interest of other people“.

Lesson: Customer shouldn’t like that such sales hold up or attack them with various deals or advantages of a good explanation, it would make them uncomfortable. Make it a family atmosphere and show them that you are also wearing items that you offer, if you wear it, you can more freely telling your experience during the use of the good.

Lesson #4: Sell but do not like to sell

Joneses family, as has been told in this film is the sales disguised as a happy family. They like to sell lifestyle, by using the latest model stuff as I have described in the Lesson #3 above. By becoming a attractive, your promotion enable to sell the goods your offer.

This is what I call sell but do not like to sell, as a sales person it is very important to implement, once again consumers do not like the atmosphere uncomfortable cornered by the sales to buy their goods.

Lesson: Create an atmosphere as comfortable as possible with your prospecs, invite them talk about anything, take a gap where you can enter the conversation by offering a product. Remember, look at the place and time of the selection of the place and the wrong time could be fatal for your campaign.

Lesson #5: Know what your customer need

In one part of the story, Steve and Kate Jones have a neighbor who isn’t too happy with his marriage. Steve, who was her sales were declining to take this opportunity to reach out to neighbors with jewelry showcase for Kate, at that neighbor’s interested in giving a gift of jewelry is also for his wife.
From the story, we can draw the conclusion that, by knowing the desires of your customer marketing sales process will take care of itself. You live you convince the consumer that the consumer takes the product you are offering to help consumers objective was achieved.

Lesson: Like what Wendy montes de oca in her article – 7 Customer Survey Tips or How to Know Your Customer For Increased Leads & Profits: “Knowing who your customers are—not just on a superficial level, but also on a deeper level—is fundamental for business longevity. It can help your business with most any targeted marketing efforts”.

In the market a product that thing is that you know who and what the customer needs. By knowing this for sure you will be able to offer the goods you have the more easier.


Understanding sales is actually selling in the true sense ie make money. Sales trying to make the transaction: move money out of the pockets of consumers into the company’s coffers. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is the main sales targets.

In doing branding or sales marketing there are some rules that you should apply before you start marketing your products. In this article I explain about some sales marketing tips adapted from the movie Joneses. I think this film is not just a movie for entertainment but the movie also teaches us how to be a good sales.

How about you? Are you ready to be sales? Please share your thought with us in the comment below.

– Written by Ratih –

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1 Comment
  1. ahras says

    Thanks for sharing these dynamics of sales and promotion but I think so social media marketing is more faster and cheaper way to target your customers as ome how this point is missing in the flim

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