How To Use Google+ as A Logo Designer
We published many articles about social media and social networks and all of them were highly appreciated by the readers. We offered many interesting posts for Facebook and Twitter users, but we have written very few articles about Google+.
Ignoring Google+ is a terrible mistake and many people aren’t aware about this fact. It’s true that social networking wasn’t Google’s strong point, but any entity released under Google brand should be interesting for everyone involved in online environment. It’s the second largest social network, it’s the “favorite” of Google spiders and it’s a place where friendship and business are in the same place. All these features should convince anyone that having a Google+ account is mandatory. Of course, Google+ is a place for logo designers, too. There are logo designers that were hired by clients via Google+ and many of them build a community around them or around their blogs. In conclusion, there are many successful stories of logo designers that have used Google+ and you should be the next one.
Recently, we published an article about how a logo designer should use Twitter in order to get advantages. This time, we will present you how to use Google+ into your advantage. There are some common traits, but at the same time, there are some important differences. First of all let’s see which the advantages of using Google+ are!
1. A unique social network
Each social network has its specific features and Google+ isn’t an exception. It’s situated somehow in the “middle” – it’s like Facebook because you have friends, chat options or signs of appreciation, but at the same time, it contains features specific to Twitter as following other accounts. More pragmatically speaking, Google+ is built with the idea of taking the positive aspects of all social networks.
Indeed, Google+ uses elements specific to Twitter and Facebook, but it has many unique features. The communities are ones of the most important specific items for Google+ and tons of users are extremely content with them.
2. An efficient method of networking
I guess that the huge majority of the Internet users heard at least once about Google+ circles. It’s an innovation and it’s one of the features that made this network standing apart from the rest. Networking is the basic idea of social media and certainly, Google+ is “responsible” for making it way simpler.
3. Hangouts
An easy, simple and free method of communication is a necessity for many of us. Google+ offers a fantastic modality of communication – the hangouts. These are very efficient methods of getting in touch with people having a Google+ accounts.
Obviously, these are the most important advantages of using Google+, but there are many others that will be discovered by you. A logo designer should try to benefit from Google+ even though it’s not such a simple task as it seems to be. There is no precise guide of using Google+, but some ideas work no matter the context. We created a list of tips to apply when managing the Google+ account and we think that these will help any logo designer in creating some buzz around him/her. Anyway, this list is open for your suggestions, so feel free to leave your opinion in the comment form.
Tip #1: Interesting information attracts people
No matter the social networks used, a good and useful piece of information is everywhere and everytime appreciated. Google+ users are always in need of precious tips and cool ideas, so a good post surely receives many “+”s. Google highly appreciates quality content and their social network isn’t an exception to this situation.
The same as in the case of Twitter or Facebook, Google+ users want to have into their circles people providing cool stuff. Step by step, by sharing periodically interesting links, around the account will be formed a community. It’s useless to mention how important is for a logo designer to have a good image amongst other fellows or average Internet users.
Tip #2: Engage in communities
It’s the second piece of advice that is universal and it’s quite possible for some readers to consider it as a boring and useless idea. I hardly believe that someone may have a successful social media presence without engaging with people having similar ideas or passions.
The communities are formed from people having something in common (professional careers, passions, ideas, and activities) and in this format is simpler to engage with people. Interacting with other people is a both side win and a wise logo designer may have important advantages in this context. Being helpful in addition to providing cool information is the recipe of turning into a famous logo designer and the potential clients will have the certitude that the quality of the logos created is high. In other words, people will want to hire you regardless the quotes asked.
Tip #3: Take care of your account and circles
An interesting feature of Google+ are the circles. Unlike other social networks, the user has better control over the interaction with friends. Every user has the possibility of classifying the friends in various circles (friends, family, acquaintances) but he/she can create new circles for individual situations.
Another key aspect of having a fruitful Google+ presence is to take care of your account. It’s very simple to complete the account information and let people know what they need about you. Also, some images and a cool header represent details that can make the difference in some situations.
Tip #4: Keep the rhythm with Google+
Google+ is in its infancy and it’s still evolving. The same as other important social networks, there are some core values that won’t ever be changed, but some other aspects may be modified to better reflect the users’ requirements. Any logo designer that uses Google+ should regularly check the network novelties.
Your Turn
I hope that you will give a heed to Google+ and maybe once applied the above ideas you will manage to create a good community around you. Of course, I wish you to get in touch via Google+ with tons of trusty clients. Do you use Google+? Please engage with us and share your opinion about this impressive social network.
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