10 Incredibly Unique Landing Page Designs


Great landing pages are portals to sales conversions. The best landing pages draw customers in with:

  • Personalization strategies that lend situational relevance.
  • Features and benefits that create desire.
  • Efforts to establish trust.
  • A time-limited offer that has great perceived value.
  • A powerful call to action.
  • Captivating design that lends itself to the landing page’s sales goals.

Simply stating what makes a landing page great is one thing, but seeing great landing page design in action is quite another. Thus, I present 10 incredibly unique (and powerful) landing page designs.

1. Roku

This might be the perfect landing page: a big, bold image coupled with a time-limited offer, a strong call to action with the buy now button flagged by a low price, and more desire-creating information when you scroll down.

Landing Page Designs

2. GripGo

The made-for-TV marketers have long understood how to motivate sales, and their landing pages are no different in that respect than their commercials. This landing page highlights the low price, showcases the benefits, and even includes the infomercial.

Landing Page Designs

3. FitOrbit

Selling weight loss in general is easy, beating your competitors is not. FitOrbit carved out a niche with online personal trainers, and it makes the case for why its service is better on this landing page that showcases its unique selling point.

Landing Page Designs

4. Wave Accounting

The perfect minimalist design, with a large image and a brief desire-creating statement. The only thing customers should do is enter their email address and sign up; this page doesn’t fret the other details. You can follow the navigation bar to learn more. I’d be interested to see how this page tests against more traditional landing pages.

Landing Page Designs

5. Wrike

Wrike’s landing page shows off its benefits, but my favorite feature is the pop-up which engages users by asking a simple question that motivates response – response that turns into a lead.

Landing Page Designs

6. Perfect Pancake

Another as-seen-on-TV product that made its way to the web, Perfect Pancake’s landing page creates desire by showing how the product is used, highlighting its benefits, featuring a low price and demonstrating exclusivity – “not available in stores!”

Landing Page Designs

7. Box

This Box landing page features a clean layout and gently nudges customers toward filling out the contact form to get a free trial of the service.

Landing Page Designs

8. Portrait Professional

Portrait Professional’s landing page features a sleek, uncluttered, minimalist design that motivates customers to click the buttons to either download a free trial or buy the product immediately.

Landing Page Designs

9. Ultraviolet

The Ultraviolet site very clearly shows you what you can do and how to do it, then reinforces the benefits to create desire, and finally has a front-and-center sign-up button. Not convinced yet? Users can scroll down to learn more.

Landing Page Designs

10. Market Me Suite

I find this landing page somewhat cluttered, but in terms of customer engagement, it’s awesome because the form on the top right lets you find leads in just a few minutes – a powerful motivator for businesses.

Landing Page Designs

About the Author!

Brian Morris writes for the PsPrint Design & Printing Blog. PsPrint is an online commercial printing company. Follow PsPrint on Twitter @PsPrint and Facebook.

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  1. Chandler says

    Great post, you shown very nice examples here to understand exactly what is an ideal landing page, this post will help me a lot in future too. Keep posting.

  2. Mrinal says

    I love those landing page design, it’s inspire me, do custom landing page design as well, if you are looking for free landing page design, get it now from http://www.semanticlp.com/

  3. […] Here are 10 incredibly unique (and powerful) landing page designs. […]

  4. Edward says

    Portrait Professional is my favorite Landing Page.

  5. […] Get more inspiration from these 10 unique and powerful landing page designs. […]

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