Showcase of Beautiful Portfolio Websites in Flat Design


Flat design is become a new trend lately and many large companies are starting to adopt flat design in their website. Like Microsoft with Windows 8, Facebook and eBay that introduce the flat version of their logo and icon. Then Apple recently introduced iOS 7 that also adopt flat design trend.

According to DesignModo, there are 5 flat design characteristics:

  • No added effect
  • Simple elements
  • Focus on typography
  • Focus on colour
  • Minimalist Approach

To learn more about flat design, here we have some good reverences for you:

And here, we have collected some beautiful portfolio websites that use flat design for your inspiration.

Flat WordPress Theme

Flat Website Templates
by Themify
Flat design is definitely a hot trend as seen in Windows, Andriod, and even Apple’s iOS7. Are you ready to dive in the flat trend? Our Flat – is perfect for you! Flat theme is beautiful, modern, bold and colorful. Modern web design is about interaction and technology. Flat theme utilized HTML5, Javascript, and CSS3 to display the content beautifully.

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Flat Design Portfolio Websites

Justin Aguilar

Flat Design Portfolio Websites

Playground Inc

Flat Design Portfolio Websites

Interactive design studio

Flat Design Portfolio Websites


Flat Design Portfolio Websites

Ivo Mynttinen

Flat Design Portfolio Websites


Flat Design Portfolio Websites

Knock Knock Factory

Flat Design Portfolio Websites


Flat Design Portfolio Websites


Flat Design Portfolio Websites

Roy Barber

Flat Design Portfolio Websites


Flat Design Portfolio Websites


Flat Design Portfolio Websites

Lorenzo Verzini

Flat Design Portfolio Websites


Flat Design Portfolio Websites


Flat Design Portfolio Websites

Simone Marcarino

Flat Design Portfolio Websites


Flat Design Portfolio Websites

Supereight Studio

Flat Design Portfolio Websites

Flat Design Portfolio Websites


Flat Design Portfolio Websites

William Leeks

Flat Design Portfolio Websites


Flat Design Portfolio Websites

Mark Simonson

Flat Design Portfolio Websites


Flat Design Portfolio Websites

Happy Studio

Flat Design Portfolio Websites

Bob Galmarini

Flat Design Portfolio Websites

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  1. […] Showcase of Beautiful Portfolio Websites in Flat Design […]

  2. leiv says

    Hey guys, maybe you also like

  3. Tarek says

    Hi there,
    I invite you to visit our github project that you can find at the following link
    Twittstrap (the project) is a flat version of Twitter bootstrap.
    I wish twittstrap can help you start your responsive and flat websites.

  4. […] we have a collection of beautiful flat portfolio websites, today we’ll bring the creative examples of flat slider in web design for your inspiration. […]

  5. […] you are a Photographer, Graphic or Web Designer, a portfolio website online to showcase your creative works is a must. Since it can help you to get more clients or make […]

  6. Zeemo says

    Nice selection, that The playground Inc are awesome.
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