6 Easy Tips to Make Your Facebook News Feed More Visual


Facebook has announced that major changes will be rolling out to users, Facebook’s News Feed is getting a whole lot more visual. More than a trend, this is a direct response to how people are using the network today. Facebook officials noted that 50% of the content shared in the News Feed today is visual. As Zuckerberg himself added, “the stories around you deserve to be displayed with more than just text and Facebook’s users love photos so much that photo posts now take up some 50 percent of the current News Feed”.

With the new Facebook News Feed, it focus on visual than you have to prepare for the rollout of these updates by creating visually compelling content. If you’ve been previously posting text-based status and links, think about how you can convert those ideas into visuals. So what does all this mean to businesses? Simply, put focus on your creative. Images are going to define your brand on Facebook now, more than ever. Because of that here are 6 easy tips for your brand to optimize your visual in new Facebook News Feed:

#1. Have an eye-catching cover photo

The revised Facebook News Feed is less cluttered, more visual, and definitely eye-catching. Photos and images are the focus of how the new layout has been designed, it’s a massive improvement. Whenever you add a new friend or like a new restaurant, for example, you’ll see the cover photo for that person or that business’s page appear in the News Feed. According to Facebook, this change is designed to provide more context about your Page, so make sure the photo is eye-catching and visually representative of your Page.

As shown below, pampers has posted a picture very eye catching right? Commemorating St Patrick’s Day pampers display baby photo using a green hat, interesting isn’t? This could be your example with eye catching image selection will help you to promote your brand and make sure the images are posts include your brand logo.

Facebook News Feed Tips

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#2. Make sure your text is short

With the spotlight on photos, Facebook has also changed the way captions will display. While previously captions were scripted underneath the uploaded photo, captions will now overlay images in the News Feed.

This means that photos will be the primary way by which people engage with your visual posts, so any copy you craft should be brief and succinct. It has to provide all the key information the user needs to understand the image and its value, and take action.
Take a look from this picture below, Mc donalds keep posting messages in a simple picture, a message in any post must for fans easier to digest the meaning of the picture.

Facebook News Feed Tips

[Image Source]

#3. Make your content more visual

The new design of the News Feed is meant to be more like a newspaper with bigger photos displayed in the feed. This gives your page a great opportunity to drive traffic by making sure that not only are you posting more photos, but that they are attractive, eye-catching pictures.

I recommending you posting a picture as much as possible and with minimal text. Facebook recommends all images have a width of at least 552 pixels. Also note that the text appears ON the image now vs. above the image as it was before.

So, take advantage of Facebook News Feed like what that done by Disney Facebook fan page example image below which nearly all content contains images depicting the cartoon Disney, start focusing on changing your marketing strategy into visual content because now content strategy most effective in improving your marketing.

Facebook News Feed Tips

[Image Source]

#3. Be interactive by asking them to “Like” or “Share” or “Comment” on your content

Invites fans to like your post is still a trend in the new Facebook News Feed, it is not advisable for you when you invite your picture like page or blatant marketing ethics still apply performance.

Encourage your fans to participate in a post that you publish, as Starbucks example image below her instead of openly to invite her fans to like posting but to call her fans to get involved in the best work belongs to Phil Hansen, and look at the fans themselves are like Starbucks-owned post and share.

Facebook News Feed Tips

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#5. Make sure you understand your audience

This steps is important, you must do some research before posting. The research those who look your Facebook fan page, this ranging from sex until their country of origin. As the picture below where the facility is provided by Facebook allow us to do the research. By knowing this you will be able to select a word, content, images in accordance with your consumers and certainly not to offend your fans.

Facebook News Feed Tips

Facebook News Feed Tips

[Image Source]

#6. Post regularly and consistently

This is the easy way right, but it requires that you have consistency. Pay attention steps 1 through 5 above, you should repeat it every time you make a post. Facebook News Feed is essentially a refinement of the facility Facebook and of course this will really help you in doing branding.


Facebook News Feed brought to you by the results of research conducted by the Mark Zuckerberg, as he put it “the stories around you deserve to be displayed with more than just text and Facebook’s users love the photos so much that photo posts now take up some 50 percent of the current News Feed “. He even had this handy chart:

Facebook News Feed Tips

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This Facebook News Feed will help you more with the visual facilities, Because of that if you are a content marketer, make sure you also include an image with your quality content that Facebook is able to pick up. Link will appear larger images in News Feeds and will now serve as a good hook to attract new visitors to your content, when shared. Thanks to these changes to Facebook’s News Feed, the images your business shares will now be like downtown window displays for your brand. Make them look good and engaging and more people will like and engage with your page content.

How do you see about the redesign with Facebook News Feed? Please share your comment below.

– Written by Ratih –

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  1. […] 6 Easy Tips to Make Your Facebook News Feed More Visual […]

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